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Web Info

Your web directory

Files you place in the directory www inside your home directory will be available at http://www.uofr.net/~yourname. Files must be world-readable, and directories must be world-readable and executable.

To edit your web site, log into your shell account or use an SCP or SFTP client.

Connecting securely

Visitors can access your site securely using SSL/TLS at https://ssl.uofr.net/~yourname.


Server-Side Includes

Files ending in .shtml will be parsed for server-side includes (SSI) directives. The #exec directive is disabled.

See also: Apache Tutorial: Introduction to Server Side Includes.

CGI scripts

Files ending in .cgi, .pl, or .py and files inside your cgi-bin directory are executed as CGI scripts. They will run as you (via Apache suEXEC), and have access to all files you have access to. If you use scripts, make sure they are secure!

See also: Apache Tutorial: Dynamic Content with CGI, suEXEC Support.

PHP scripts

Files ending in .php are executed as PHP scripts. They will run as you (via suPHP), and have access to all files you have access to. If you use scripts, make sure they are secure!

See also: suPHP, php.net.

Controlling access

.htaccess files are supported. You may specify options in the FileInfo, AuthConfig, and Limit classes.

See also: Apache .htaccess tutorial.